Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Project begins

We announced the Project yesterday to rave reviews, it seems. Many of our followers are understandably congratulatory, they are like friends. I think the real admiration for the project, if there is any, will be in the real time sharing and interaction with the experience. I envision (hope) to update the blog and twitter constantly, so folks feel as if they're riding along side.

In other Project news:

Spoke with the BBC rep this morning (his afternoon) to discuss different topics he wanted clarification on. A lot of trying to explain how EMS is delivered in the US, without making it sound like a bunch of thrown together ideas, which it really is. the problem with "State's Rights" is that everyone invents a wheel of a different size and shape so that it barely works, if at all, somewhere else. I'm interested to see how a generalized program can work as I believe the NHS model does.

For now, we're just waiting on the BBC schedule, and then it's off to the races to get everything lined up and ready to go.

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